Station list


LOCATION.--Lat 41�38'26", long 88�03'38", in SE¼SW¼ sec.35, T.37 N., R.10 E., Will County, Hydrologic Unit 07120004, on left bank 40 ft upstream from bridge on Romeoville Road in Romeoville, 5.2 mi upstream from Lockport Lock and Dam, and at mile 6.2.

DRAINAGE AREA.--739 mi2.

PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 1984 to current year.

REVISED RECORDS.--WDR IL-86-2: 1985. WDR IL-92-2: 1986-89.

GAGE.--Acoustical flowmeter. Datum of gage is 551.89 ft above sea level (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers bench mark).

REMARKS.--Records good except those for estimated daily discharges, which are fair. Estimated daily discharges determined from a regression relation between present site and the previous site 5.2 mi downstream.

This gaging station provides flow data essential to determine Illinois' diversion of Lake Michigan water. A U.S. Supreme Court Decree limits Illinois' diversion to an average of 3,200 ft3/s. Illinois' diversion includes water diverted from the lake for domestic water supply, for navigation and water-quality improvement in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal system, and the stormwater runoff from a 673 mi2 diverted watershed area. Flows recorded at this station also include nondiversion flows. Gage-height telemeter at station.


Surface-water Data

Ground-water Data

Precipitation Data

Biological Data